Year: 2014
Genre: Indie, 3D, installation
Developer: Stage 2 Studios
Publisher: KISS ltd
Interpreisis Language: Russian (RUS) / English (ENG) / MULTI5
Language: English (ENG)
The check (crack): no schireba
File size: 349.20 Mb
Game description:
Lifeless Planet - This is the type of action-adventure indie game, where the action takes place on the planet Earth is many millions of miles away. The game's main character, astronaut task is to find the planet's native Soviet space station, and save the friends there. Will it be able to achieve our goal, it depends on you!
System requirements:
- Operating system: Windows 7 (Windows 8-XP- and not going)
- Processor: Intel Core i3 or better
- RAM: 3 GB
- Video Card: NVIDIA Geforce GT 640 or better
- Free hard disk space: 900 Mb
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